Introducing Research & Innovation Days on Support

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Customer support is a double-edged sword and can be both rewarding and draining. Helping people feels good, but constantly empathizing with strangers can get exhausting. We all hope that the good outweighs the bad, but that’s not always the case. When the scales are imbalanced and there’s stress at and about work, it’s easy to… keep reading

Looking for a distraction… or optimism?

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A friend of mine was recently bummed about the lack of success a business venture turned out to be. So he started looking for a hobby… a distraction… something. I have a hiring secret I haven’t shared before. I like to hire people handy with a camera. Javan, who works here at our sister company… keep reading

The Buck Stops Here — refunds in 2017 come out of my pocket

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Harry’s famous sign This year I’ve decided to take Harry Truman’s famous “The BUCK STOPS here” sign literally. So in 2017, all refunds requested by Basecamp customers will come out of my paycheck. If a customer is unhappy with Basecamp to the point where they request a refund, it should be my penalty. We didn’t make… keep reading