Testimony before the North Dakota Senate Industry, Business and Labor Committee

Chairman Klein and members of the Senate Industry, Business and Labor Committee-

My name is David Heinemeier Hansson, and I’m the CTO and co-founder of Basecamp, a small internet company from Chicago that sells project-management software and email services.

I first testified on the topic of big tech monopolies at the House Antitrust Subcommittee’s field hearing in Colorado just over a year ago, where I described the fear and loathing many small software makers have toward the app store duopoly. 

How fees upwards of 30% of revenue, applied selectively, and in many cases capriciously, put an enormous economic burden on many small software businesses. How paired with the constant uncertainty as to whether the next software update will be rejected, or held for ransom, can put entire businesses in jeopardy.

I was then merely speaking on behalf of my many fellow small  business owners. As someone who’d heard the tragic stories from app store duopoly victims, whispered out of fear of further retribution, for the better part of the last decade.

Little did I know that just six months later, Basecamp would be in its own existential fight for survival, after launching a new, innovative email service called HEY.com. Apple first approved our application to the App Store, only to revert themselves days later, after we had publicly launched to great critical acclaim. They demanded we start using their in-application payment system, such that they could take 30% of our revenues, or we’d be kicked off the App Store. A virtual death sentence for a new email service that was aiming to compete with the likes of Google’s Gmail and Apple’s own iCloud email hosting.

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HTML over the wire

You can write fast, modern, responsive web applications by generating your HTML on the server, and delivering that (with a little help) directly to the browser. You don’t need JSON as an in-between format. You don’t need client-side MVC frameworks. You don’t need complicated bundling and transpiling pipelines. But you do need to think different.

Because the mainstream story in web development of the past decade or so has been one of JavaScript all the things! Let’s use it on the server! Let’s use it on the client! Let’s have it generate all the HTML dynamically! And, really, it’s pretty amazing that you really can do all that. JavaScript has come an incredibly long way since the dark ages of Internet Explorer’s stagnant monopoly.

But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

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Spy pixels are evolving like malware, so HEY’s adapting

We knew that spy-pixel pushers might go down the rabbit hole of escalation once we gave HEY users the power to defend themselves. Just like virus and malware makers are constantly trying to defeat anti-virus and other security protections. But I guess we didn’t realize just how quickly it would happen!

Enter GMass, a plugin for Gmail that adds spy-pixel tracking, amongst a grab bag of other stuff. They hadn’t been on our original list of 50+ services we name’n’shame, but thanks to a new blog post where they brag about defeating protections that recipients might take to defend themselves, they came onto our radar.

This lead to an in-depth investigation into how their latest techniques work, and we spent the whole day coming up with a new process of detecting GMass’ spy pixels. It just shipped! And now HEY will name’n’shame GMass, just like we do the other fifty-odd pushers of this kind of surveillance.

Of course, like those virus and malware makers, GMass may try to defeat our protections again. And we’ll then have to adapt once more, and so we will. Internet security is a constantly moving target. But we can hope that Google will soon stop being a conduit for this kind of privacy abuse on the Gmail platform. Just like they don’t tolerate being used for spamming or phishing.

In the mean time, we’ll continue to do the work both on a general level to protect against all forms of privacy attacks against HEY users, but also specifically to identity bad actors, and to call out the users who employ their software for spying.

Have a surveillance-free Friday!

On Apple’s monopoly power to destroy HEY

This statement was delivered to the democratic side of the House Antitrust Subcommittee upon invitation on July 17, 2020 in the committee’s preparation for the forthcoming July 27, 2020 showdown with the Big Tech CEOs.

Two years ago, we got the audacious idea to take on Google, Microsoft, and Verizon to provide a new, fresh alternative to their email services. It’s been about 16 years since people were last excited about getting a new email address – Gmail was introduced in 2004 – and frankly, it shows. These legacy services have been virtually devoid of innovation for over a decade.

And why wouldn’t they be! They’ve already captured the market. Between Gmail, owned by Google, Hotmail/Outlook, owned by Microsoft, and AOL Mail/Yahoo Mail, owned by Verizon, you have about 85% of the US email market captured by three players. And out of that, Gmail alone is about 55 percentage points.

But! Despite this near-total capture by big tech, the underlying protocol of email is still just barely free and open. You don’t have to ask anyone’s permission to make a new email service. (Or so we thought.)

Fast forward millions of dollars in investment to June 15, 2020, which was the day we opened the doors to our new email service, and were met by every entrepreneur’s dream: amazing reviews and customers tripping over themselves to signup and pay for our product.

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Employee-surveillance software is not welcome to integrate with Basecamp

We’ve been teaching people how to do remote work well for the better part of two decades. We wrote a whole book about the topic in 2013, called REMOTE: Office Not Required. Basecamp has been a remote company since day one, and our software is sold as an all-in-one toolkit for remote work. Yeah, we’re big on remote work!

So now that COVID-19 has forced a lot of companies to move to remote work, it’s doubly important that we do our part to help those new to the practice settle in. We’ve been hosting a variety of online seminars, done podcasts, and been advocating for healthy ways to do remote right.

Unfortunately, the move to remote work has also turbo-charged interest in employee surveillance software. Drew Harwell’s harrowing report for The Washington Post should make anyone’s skin crawl, but it seems some managers are reading about these disgusting tools and thinking “oh, what a great idea, where can I buy?”.

And as fate would have it, some of those managers would then visit these employee surveillance vendors and see a Basecamp logo! 😱 These vendors promoting their wares by featuring integrations with Basecamp, usually under the banner of “time tracking”. Yikes!

We’ve decided it’s our obligation to resist the normalization of employee surveillance software. It is not right, it is not human, and unless we speak up now, we might well contribute to this cancer of mistrust and control spreading even after the COVID-19 crisis is behind us. That is not something we in good conscience could let happen.

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Hiring programmers with a take-home test

There’s no perfect process for hiring great programmers, but there are plenty of terrible ways to screw it up. We’ve rejected the industry stables of grilling candidates in front of a whiteboard or needling them with brain teasers since the start at Basecamp. But you’re not getting around showing real code when applying for a job here.

In the early days of the company, we hired programmers almost exclusively from the open source community. I simply tapped people I’d been working with on the Ruby on Rails project, and I knew that their code would be good, because I’d seen so much of it! This is how we hired Jamis, Jeremy, Sam, Josh, Pratik, Matthew, and Eileen.

But if you only consider candidates from the open source community, you’re going to miss out on plenty of great programmers who just don’t have the time or the inclination to contribute code to open source.

And unfortunately, it’s rarely an option for candidates to submit code from a previous job with an application to a new job. Unlike design, which is at least somewhat out in the open, commercial code is often closely guarded. And even if it wasn’t, it’s often hard to tease out what someone was actually personally responsible for (which can also be a challenge with design!).

So what we’ve started to do instead at Basecamp is level the playing field by asking late-stage candidates to complete a small programming assignment as part of the final evaluation process. I’m going to show you two examples of these projects, and the submissions from the candidates that ended up being hired.

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The Majestic Monolith can become The Citadel

The vast majority of web applications should start life as a Majestic Monolith: A single codebase that does everything the application needs to do. This is in contrast to a constellation of services, whether micro or macro, that tries to carve up the application into little islands each doing a piece of the overall work.

And the vast majority of web applications will continue to be served well by The Majestic Monolith for their entire lifespan. The limits upon which this pattern is constrained are high. Much higher than most people like to imagine when they fantasize about being capital-a Architects.

But. Even so, there may well come a day when The Majestic Monolith needs a little help. Maybe you’re dealing with very large teams that constantly have people tripping over each other (although, bear in mind that many very large organizations use the monorepo pattern!). Or you end up having performance or availability issues under extreme load that can’t be resolved easily within the confines of The Majestic Monolith’s technology choices. Your first instinct should be to improve the Majestic Monolith until it can cope, but, having done that and failed, you may look to the next step.

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Why HEY had to wait

We had originally planned to release HEY, our new email service, in April. There was the final cycle to finish the features, there was a company meetup planned for the end of the month to celebrate together, we’d been capacity testing extensively, and the first step of a marketing campaign was already under way.

But then the world caught a virus. And suddenly it got pretty hard to stay excited about a brand new product. Not because that product wasn’t exciting, but because its significance was dwarfed by world events.

A lack of excitement, though, you could push through. The prospect of a stressful launch alongside the reality of a stressful life? No.

That’s not because we weren’t ready to work remotely. That we had to scramble to find new habits or tools to be productive. We’ve worked remotely for the past twenty years. We wrote a book on working remotely. Basecamp is a through and through remote company (and an all-in-one toolkit for remote work!).

But what’s going on right now is about more than just whether work can happen, but to which degree it should. We’re fortunate to work in software where the show doesn’t have to stop, like is the case in many other industries, but the show shouldn’t just carry on like nothing happened either.

About half the people who work at Basecamp have kids. They’re all at home now. Finding a new rhythm with remote learning, more cramped quarters, more tension from cooped-up siblings. You can’t put in 100% at work when life asks for 150%. Some things gotta give, and that something, for us, had to be HEY.

And it’s not like life is daisies even if you don’t have kids. This is a really stressful time, and it’s our obligation at Basecamp to help everyone get through that the best we can. Launching a new product in the midst of that just wasn’t the responsible thing to do, so we won’t.

Remember, almost all deadlines are made up. You can change your mind when the world changes around you.

HEY is going to launch when the world’s got a handle on this virus. When we either find a new normal, living within long-running restrictions, or we find a way to beat this thing. We’re not going to put a date on that, because nobody knows when that might be. And we’re not going to pretend that we do either.

In the meantime, we’ll keep making HEY better. We’re also going to put in time to level up Basecamp in a number of significant ways that have long been requested. The work doesn’t stop, it just bends.

If you wrote us an email to [email protected], you’re on the list, and we’ll let that list know as soon as we open up. If you think you might be interested in a better email experience when that’s something we all have the mental space to think about again, please do send us a story about how you feel about email to [email protected].

Stay home, stay safe!

The books I read in 2019

Here are all my extracted answers from our monthly Basecamp check-in question of What are you reading? for 2019. (See also my answers from 2016, 2017, and 2018).

The Sane Society
Another Fromm tome! This one starts from the premise of evaluating the different social characters of various societies. But not from the abstract, pretend objectiveness of “everything is equal; everything is just different”, but from a bold perspective of “some societies truly do better than others at promoting human health and flourish. That’s potentially a dynamite perspective, but Fromm handles it with utter grace and respect.

I particularly enjoyed the concept of mental illness or malaise as an act of rebellion against societal pressures and norms. Particularly the refutation that “the sane person” is whoever is performing their productive function in society. Yeah, fuck that.

I also really liked the depiction of a country’s social character to be an expression of what that society thought it needed. A German reputation for stinginess/savings as virtuous? A reflection of what the country needed in order to rebuild after 20th century devastation. It’s a fascinating recast of “stereotype” as something intellectually productive, and not just lazy othering.

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Mailing list software should stop spying on subscribers

The internet is finally coming out of its long haze on privacy, but it’s with one hell of a hangover. So many practices that were once taken for granted are now getting a second, more critical look. One of those is the practice of spying on whether recipients of marketing emails open them or not.

Back in August, we vowed to stop using such spying pixels in our Basecamp emails. And do you know what? It’s been fine! Not being able to track open rates, and fret over whether that meant our subject lines weren’t providing just the right HOOK, has actually been a relief.

But whether these open rates are “useful” or not is irrelevant. They’re invasive, they’re extracted without consent, and they break the basic assumptions most people have about email. There’s a general understanding that if you take actions on the internet, like clicking a link or visiting a site, there’s some tracking associated with that. We might not like it, but at least we have a vague understanding of it. Not so with email spy pixels.

Just about every normal person (i.e. someone not working in internet marketing) has been surprised, pissed, or at least dismayed when I tell them about spy pixels in emails. The idea that simply opening an email subjects you to tracking is a completely foreign one to most people.

When I’ve raised this concern in conversations with people in the marketing industry, a lot of them have taken offense to the term “spy pixels”. Affixing the spying label made a lot of them uncomfortable, because they were just trying to help! I get that nobody wants to think of themselves as the bad guy (Eilish not withstanding), but using the word “spy” isn’t exactly a reach.

Here’s the dictionary definition of a spy: “a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans”. That fits pretty well to a spy pixel that tracks whether you open an email or not, without your knowledge or consent!

So. Let’s stop doing that. Collectively. And the best place to instigate reform is with the mailing list software we use. A modest proposal for a basic ethics reform:

1) Mailing list software should not have spy pixels turned on by default. This is the most important step, because users will follow the lead of their software. It must be OK to spy on whether people open my marketing emails if the software I’m using it provides that by default.

2) Mailing list software can ask for explicit consent when the sender really does want to track open rates. Let the sender include a disclaimer at the bottom of their email: “[The sender] would like to know when you open this email to help improve their newsletter. If that’s OK with you, [please opt-in to providing read receipts]. Thanks!”.

That’s it. Don’t do it by default, ask for informed consent if you must. Being respectful of someone’s privacy isn’t rocket science.

And remember, you can still tag your links in those emails with ?source=newsletter or whatever to see whether your call-to-action is working. As we discussed, people have a basic understanding that clicking links and visiting websites – explicit actions they take! – has some tracking involved.

This isn’t going to magically make everything better. It’s not going to fix all the issues we have with privacy online or even all the deceptive practices around mailing lists. But it’s going to make things a little better. And if we keep making things a little better, we’ll eventually wake up to a world that’s a lot better.